The Bluebonnet Children’s Advocacy Center and Tri-County CASA (Child Appointed Court Advocates) is hosting
The 2nd Annual 4 Man Scramble Golf Tournament
July 25th
at the Alsatian Golf Club in Castroville, Texas
The tournament registration, sponsorship opportunities and request for donation forms are attached.
All proceeds will be going to support the advocacy of children in Medina, Real, and Uvalde Counties. Advocacy for our children include overcoming the many challenges they face in their young years. This may include counseling, mentoring, investigative work, foster home placement, and much more! The Bluebonnet Children’s Center is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization. Federal Tax ID# 742999054.
If you are unable to attend or be a sponsor for the golf tournament, volunteers are always needed. Please feel free to call for volunteer information at 830-426-8848.